Can you spell PROCRASTINATOR??? I was just talking to my friend Julie today and we both agreed that that particular word describes us to a T. Seems like I have all these great plans and so many ideas at the beginning of a New Year, but now, only 3 weeks until the New Year, I once again find myself with more things on my "to do" list and can't seem to catch up. Oh well.... there's always next year LOL!
I want to share with you all some gorgeous blocks that I have recently received in the mail. I am in a CQ Faces RR with a few of the ladies from the CQI Group. These ladies are incredible artist and just by passing around the blocks and sharing, I have learned so much from them ... I've also realized I have SOOOO much more to learn. I'd give anything to be able to sit next to anyone of them for lessons.
Yesterday, I received this set of CQ Face Blocks in the mail. OMG! I pulled them out and just sat there in awe. Each block is so incredible - the pictures here do not do any of them justice. These blocks belong to Diane and I know she is going to flip when she gets them back home.

#1 Block - This awesome block was created by Debbie Q. It looks to me like the Goddess of the Wind. WOW! You can't believe how many bullion stitches went into making her hair.... I'm sure many many hours. What a beauty!
#2 Block by Rose Ann. When I first saw this block I immediately thought of Cher. I love it ! I was wondering how anyone would use Diane's beads. (To see a closer look, I've posted an up close picture of the bead further down) So any stitches and a beautiful head dress.

#3 Created by Leslie - she again worked her magic into making a block come alive - so many gorgeous flowers and beautiful stitches. OMG! and the bead work is insane!
#4 Block by Gerry - Incredible! Absolutely beautiful and so celestial looking. Gorgeous hair and wonderful bead work.

This is the block I will be embellishing. I have a choice of two different faces - once I decide which direction I am going in I will pick the right face. These look to be something like cloisonne beads - a little big but so striking. I can't wait to see where my stitching leads me to on this one.

This is another set of CQ Faces RR blocks that I am currently working on. They belong to Debbie in Maine - boy does she have some beauties coming home soon. I've been working on block #4 and hope to have all of these in the mail to her sometime next week. Hang in there Debbie - they will be home soon!
#1 Block created by Leslie. This block makes you wish you were a little girl again. The dollhouse and rocking horse stitching is fabulous... just makes you want to jump into the block and play.
#2 Block - by GerryK. OMG! What a fun block to look at! You can't tell from the pictures but the Jack-in-the-box is 3D and so real like - so adorable.

#3 Block was created by Rose Ann - Such a cutie - Can you just imagine how many beads she used to make Raggedy Ann's hair? Oh and the hours!!!!

Over on Yahoo I belong to the My Favorites RR and we are doing an Encrusted RR. I just received this beautiful block from Andrea who lives in India. It will be my first time doing something "encrusted" so, being the first person to work on her block, I've got plenty of room to play. She used gorgeous fabrics and included a beautifully handmade book for everyone to write in.
Guess ya'll will know what I'll be up to for the next week or so - stitching away. The next time I blog I will be announcing a Surprise Give Away to celebrate a new venture I just took a step in. Please check in now and then to see what you will have a chance at winning.