First, thank you everyone for all your congratulations on me becoming a new mommy and your well wishes. It is so wonderful to know there are so many dog lovers out there. Before I get back to chatting about Crazy Quilting and Lace, I'd like to share one more story about Lily's homecoming.
Been busy dyeing up laces, putting kits together and trying to get into the Holiday spirit. Well, Saturday came and all I can say is "Merry Christmas Seavey Family" The best present in the world arrived around 4:30 - have to tell you is was love at first sight.
Lily's van arrived a bit late and Rob was kinda laughing at me as I was so excited I was crying... it was like a Hallmark card for sure. As Rob and I sat in the parking lot waiting for the van to arrive from Alabama we noticed one by one cars pulling into the same area...some with couples some with families.... I just knew they were there for the same reason. The minute the van stopped it was like magic - everyone quickly filed out of their cars and hurried over to stand in front of the Transport van. The door opened, a small fella came out and immediately welcomed us and said "we are going to call the dogs names out one by one, when you hear your pups name please step forward... first name..... Lily! Will the parents of Lily please come forward. OMG! Can you say excited!!
Lily was taken from her crate and handed over to Rob while I gathered up her paperwork. It took us all of one second to fall in love with her. I knew the minute we laid eyes on her that we had found a forever little girl and that she, a forever family with us. I have to honestly tell you she is an angel sent down to take care of us.
Many many thanks go to all the ladies who were involved in our being able to adopt Lily and especially my friend Margo for giving us a good referral and to Candy who is a volunteer with Sunshine Golden Retriever Rescue Corp, she spent plenty of time listening to me go on and on about how much I wanted Lily and helped make it happen. If you are ever thinking about adopting a rescue dog SGRR is the best - a first class organization. The whole application process might be a little daunting but it is so worth every minute spent. I can understand why they do such an intense screening, it is necessary to make sure that these pups go to the right homes.

Not wanting Lily to be scared, I sat in the back seat with her the whole ride home. Funny, she walked into the house like she owned it. Went to her basket of toys and right away was ready for play. I'm thinking that she was not abandoned on purpose but maybe got lost and separated from her family during the bad weather down south had months ago. She is so well behaved, knows all her commands, lets you know when she needs to go out and is so happy and loving.
Sunday we decided to introduce Lily to the ocean. She loved running on the beach and of course had to check out the water. I was holding her leash when out of the blue she jerked away to chase a sandpiper and ended up in the water... she has officially been initiated by the New England seashore! Sleeping now in the family room we have only one slight problem.... she sneaks off her bed in the middle of the night and seems to have claimed the sofa as hers - NOT! Sweet dreams precious Lily.