Now that I'm back home from CA it seems the creative mojo has been full speed ahead. I just completed about 8 Crazy Patch postcards to use as Birthday cards as well as for a swap I'm in with ART4Mail. I wish I could have added more CQing to the postcards but with all the restrictions the post office seems to be enforcing ,I didn't want to get hammered paying mega bucks to send out a small PC. Used to be I could send one out for only .51 cents - lately they have been costing over a $1.00 each!

A friend of mine ordered one of my recycled cat food can pincushions. Julie wanted pinks & mauve so I created this one especially for her. Hmmm can you see a pattern here? I think I'm starting to really like working with the "pink" family LOL!

Also, I just completed my very first Mini Quilt for the HGTV Mini Swap. This quilt was made for Bluesnail. I really enjoyed making it as I got to use a fabric manipulation technique that I learned in a Quilting Class I took last year. Not only was this my very first mini quilt (which I see lots more in my future) but it was the first time I actually ever machine quilted anything and also the first time I ever made a Quilt Label. Bluesnail, I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed making it.