When someone says "Good News,Sad News" you think for a minute and wonder which one you want to hear first. I think I'll start off with the good news ...
I'm back from my trip to California and must say I enjoyed every single minute. To start my trip off, I left 18 degree weather and arrived in California to 75-80 beautiful sunny degrees for the whole week I was there - can you say "heaven"! My grand babies Evita & DeAngelo have grown so much since I had last seen them in August.. hard to believe they are going to be 4 in May.
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Yummy treats! |
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Nana's new little lace helpers |
Every morning these two precious babes would run into my room and jump under the covers with me. We'd build a tent and turn on their little star making machine while naming each and every star. On the Saturday I was there, my DIL came to me with a choice - I could either go to Evita's Ballet Class to see her dance or I could go to DeAngelo's soccer game and watch him play - both were being held at the same time! OMG! No way could I make that kind of decision as they had both come to me asking me to come see them. There's always a solution to a problem. Nana took daddy's car and had him program in the directions from the dance studio to the soccer field. Watched Evita for about half and hour and made it to DeAngelo's soccer practice in plenty of time to see him play.
During the evening after everyone was tucked in I would settle in bed surrounded with all my CQing pretties. It was so nice to just sit and relax with no tv, no computer and no phones. I finally finished my October & November CQJP 2012 and only need a couple more hours on my December block before I can begin CQJP 2013. Even had time to comlete a RR block.
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November CQJP 2013 - Nicki Lee & Rob - Age 2
October CQJP 2013
All Things Pretty CQI RR - For Janie
Now the for the sad part of my post. On Friday, January 25th, I lost one of the most important ladies in my life - my exMIL. Way back in 1975 my parents moved away to Virgina - I stayed here in Massachusetts to raise my two babies by by myself. At the time Rita was already my exMIL but over the years she became so much more. For 40 years she was like a mother to me and told everyone I was her daughter. Lots of tears and laughter came about in those years - I miss her terribly but know that she is at peace now - I'll just hold tight to all my cherished memories and the words she spoke to me a millions time: "This too shall pass - life goes on" I love you Rita.