Hello strangers! Can it really be since Memorial Day that I haven't Blogged? OMGoshness - where have the days/months gone. Summer came and went and I feel like I missed it all. I hope you all had a wonderful summer and will come back to visit me now that I'm back to writing and posting pictures.
I can't possibly remember everything that I did over the summer months but will tell you I had a great summer. Rob and I spent some time on our sailboat and did a bit of kayaking but mostly spent the lazy summer days working around our house. My gardens took up a lot of time as did my days spent on the deck dying lace. I decided to take advantage of the beautiful summer weather and dye up a ton of pretties so I wouldn't have to do it inside over the winter.... brrr... it's 12 degrees right now and already I'm a frozen popsicle.
Little by little I hope to post pictures of projects I have worked on as well as the many beautiful CQ blocks and Snowballs I have swapped with fellow Crazy Quilters. For starters I'll show you a piece I created for my sister Sherri. Her boss's daughter got married and she commissioned me to make a walhanging for her using her favorite wedding picture.
Using vintage and some new laces, I layered the laces and then embellished them with beads, pretty stitches and some silk ribbon embroidery.
Congratulations Tarah & Brian
A current project that I am working on is a Crazy Quilt RR with a few ladies from CQI. We have all exchanged 6 naked "fan" blocks to work on for each other - I just now received my 4th set of fan blocks to play with. So far these are the 3 blocks for other sets that I have completed.
For Ritva |
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For Shelly |
For Colleen
I am now working on my 4th set and they are for Barbara (I'll post pictures later when done). For now I thought I would share with you the rest of her blocks which have been embellished by 3 other ladies in our group. Stunning, fabulous, beautiful comes to mind when I look at these. This has got to be one of my very favorite RR's so far!
For Barbara - Created by Ritva |
For Barbara - Created by Colleen |
For Barbara - Created by Shelly |