Before I tell you about my upcoming Give Away, I thought I would share with you my April CQJP Block. I know, I know, a little behind but as they say, life gets in the way sometimes...besides, it's summer time and what better excuse to not get things done?
For this years CQJP (Crazy Quilt Journal Porject), I decided to not go for a specific theme but rather change it up a bit and create a different color combination each month. For the month of April I decided on pink and green. Funny how the older you get you start to change your likes and dislikes - this color combination is starting to become one of my favorites.
Now... for the reason behind my upcoming Give Away! As most of you who follow me know, I have been selling and filling custom dyed orders of my dyed laces on Etsy (Raviolee Dreams) for a little over a year. I'm excited to report that I just reached my 1,000th Sale! Many thanks go out to each one of you who have helped me hit this magic number!
And speaking of magic numbers.... although I'm not actually too thrilled about this number, on July 4th I will hit the big 60!!!! OMG! How did I ever get here? With lots of hard work, many trials and tribulations, lots of learning experiences and tons of love, I made it. So... to help me celebrate I am giving you all a chance to win a Gift Certificate to Raviolee Dreams on my Birthday! Details will follow later this week - just be sure to get your guessing game on and come take a chance.