It's amazing what one week can do for your life. Like the quote that I have on my header says "All in a matter of time..." Life is sorta getting back to normal (whatever that is LOL!) for me and I'm starting to feel human again. Never ever think "that can't happen to me" as just last Sunday I found myself in a health scare that rocked me. Thank God that he was watching over me as today I'm feeling great and just want to put the drama behind me, grab the bull by the horns and do what I have to do to make this 58 year old body the best it can be. Thank you everyone who sent well wishes and prayers... they are working!
So... a week later and I bet you are all waiting to hear who won the Give Away. All day long I tried to get that dang Random.org site to work for me but to no avail... this is actually how I was starting to feel before I realized it might be easier if I just wrote down everyones name and had hubby pull a winner. Don't laugh - I'm sure you have all been this aggrevated with your computer at one time or another!
Wrote down, numbered (in case of duplicate names) and cut up the strips - mixed up the names and had hubby draw one

Ok... times up - the winner of the lace pack is #96 LifemyWay - again, please send me your address so I can mail them to you.
Have a great week everyone and remember... be kind to your body - it's the only one you have.