Last week I received a note from one of the ladies on the HGTV Board (
HGTV Quilting Forum) asking me if I had any yellow laces. Now... yellow has never been one of my favorite colors so I could answer her honestly with a "no" but. that I would dye up some for her. While dying the laces yellow, I decided to try and throw in another color that I have never liked - Orange. Ok... so after working with these two colors for a couple hours I'm finding ...hmmmm - they actually can be sorta pretty. By the time I finished dying a huge batch of lace I was saying - "I think I like yellow and orange." Guess I'm seeing them in a whole new light and will slowly incorporate them into various projects now. Libby (SCLady), thanks for pushing me into a new direction.

Didn't take me long to try out a few pieces of yellow lace. I am currently in a CQ RR (Round Robin) with a group of ladies from a CQ Site on Yahoo. One of the first blocks I received to work on happened to be .... Yellow in color. Immediately I had to try out a couple of my new pretties. This block belongs to Phyllis - sure hope she likes what I've created.

A couple days ago I received a comment about my dyed laces from Denise of
Needlework.craftgossip If you haven't checked out this site it is a must - be prepared to grab a cup of coffee and make yourself comfortable as you will spend hours going through all the great projects, articles and wonderful pictures!
The next morning I woke up to an email box full of wonderful notes from perfect strangers on how pretty they thought my laces were. I was so excited and so thrilled to see that Denise had written a little article on her site about me and my passion.
Nicki-Lees-hand-dyed-lace . Thank you Denise!